Angel of Wonder is a creative community project that is taking place in Bodmin, Loswithiel and Port Isaac.
As part of this project artists and musicians will be working in local primary schools to create beautiful angel lanterns and the children will be writing their own Angel anthem.
We will also be holding 3 free community weekends in each area so that families can also learn how to make lanterns and contribute to a project part of the project where they will be creating images and scenes that will be projected inside a large-scale Angel lantern and where possible some venues and shop windows
Each of the communities will have their own lantern parade starting with Bodmin Lights Up on Friday 25th November, Lostwithiel Dickensian Night on Thursday 8th December and Port Isaac on Friday 9th December
The final lantern will be on display in Port Isaac Church.
This project is also being funded by Lostwithiel Business Group, Bodmin Lights Up Committee, local primary schools, Port Isaac Christmas Lights, Sustrans and The Doctor Martin Fund.