When the local bandstand roof needed to be repaired, Camelford Town Council took the opportunity to raise some money and do something really special. Camelford is within the Dark Skies Designation of Bodmin Moor, so it was decided that a night sky installation would be an fitting idea.
Young people from the town worked with Camelford-based company SX2 Electrical and local DT Teacher Gerard McMahon to help design and build the constellations. They used their own creations, as well as other constellations based on their birth signs. 350 holes were drilled into the 12 panels and fibre-optic lights placed within.
The bandstand is now a rejuvenated space for artists and musicians with the starry night panels making for a unique venue, and seating benches are being installed next year which will make the space even more versatile for the public.
The town was honoured when HRH Princess Alexandra visited the bandstand and spoke to some of the young people who took part in the project. She was very impressed with their work. Members of the community showed their support:
“So pleased to see so many creative things happening in Camelford. The mural looks great, the poetry bridge and now the bandstand. Let’s hope this starts to bring people into Camelford!”
“I absolute love looking out of my windows and seeing the pretty lights. Looks lovely”
This project forms part of a wider investment in the cultural infrastructure of Camelford, which is having a positive impact on the aesthetics of the Town. This is fostering a sense of pride and hope in the community and transforming Camelford into a place that others would want to visit and explore.
On November 9th the Poppy Wave was installed in the bandstand for Remembrance weekend. The town council ensured the lights of the bandstand remained red during the Remembrance period. At night the effect of this was startling and the warm glow illuminated the poppies, heightening the poignant atmosphere.