This project was an exciting, highly creative and social opportunity for APEX members who reunited after a year’s break.
Apex Arts is a not-for-profit Community Interest Company based in Redruth, Cornwall that works creatively with vulnerable adults, including people on the Autism Spectrum, with a Learning Disability and/or mental ill-health. Apex uses creativity as a form of advocacy and aims to help people fulfil their creative potential whilst promoting wellbeing and a sense of community through singing, song writing, performance and visual art.
Not Just The Same Old Thing helped those taking part build expression by designing identities through costume and song. First Apex members took part in singing workshops which took inspiration from their own lives. They also met, watched and performed with The Robinson Bay Band – a song-writing group from Plymouth.
They then developed their performance identities through costume upcycling sessions at Krowji Studios. The two were put together at discrete song-writing/ recording sessions where previous Apex songs were used as inspiration for group sketches and upcycled into performance ideas. The Apex groups then came together for a green screen Filming Celebration in February where they revealed their creative personas, songs and sketches to each other.
On March 2nd participants were invited to represent the project and see the film projected at the Buttermarket Courtyard as part of Redruth Revival’s St Piran’s Day cultural event. Apex members felt a strong sense of inclusion by being part of the St Piran’s Day celebrations.
‘I just wanted to say what a great day it was on Saturday. I was struck by how much the pieces of music, the performances and the costumes came together giving each group a very different, but very relevant identity. It was a joy to watch the participants perform.’
‘Love how Apex creates such a safe, accepting and open environment which allows everyone to just be themselves. Watching people grow in confidence as the afternoon progressed was just great.’
This project linked in with people from the Apex Plymouth group. It gave the Plymouth members great confidence to be able to travel, perform, and also to meet and work with other people and share their creativity.