Get ready for the musical experience of a lifetime, featuring a cast of performers from the community! The twist? The entire cast is auditioned and rehearsed in 24 hours! This show will be nothing without YOU, and everyone who auditions will be cast! Whether you’re an actor, a singer, a dancer, all three or none, it’s set to be a fun and funny weekend, so please come along and take part! The show is currently being prepared by a crack team of writers and directors, with expert musical direction and choreography also on board!
Saturday 28th May:
9am -12 noon: Auditions
12 noon -1pm: The directors cast the show
1pm – 2.30pm: Read-through
2.30pm – 8pm: Rehearsals
Sunday 29th May:
9am – 7.30pm: Rehearsals
8.00 pm.: Performance!