Creative Kernow, based at Krowji, is the umbrella organisation for the following nine projects. Together we support the production, promotion and distribution of work by creative practitioners in Cornwall because we believe in creativity's transformative power and want more people to benefit from it.
Creative Kernow
FEAST, making great art happen across Cornwall

Music at St Mary’s


St Mary’s Church, Penzance is an important venue for classical music and having had to cancel the entire Spring Concert Series earlier this year, Music at St Marys made bold plans to present a short series of live chamber music, featuring the newly-formed ‘Chapel Street Quartet’, drawn from young professionals from West Cornwall this autumn.

Live audience numbers have obviously been restricted and now new lockdown restrictions are in place.  Fortunately, a grant from FEAST has enabled a high quality live streaming facility to reach a much wider audience. Uptake has been very encouraging, and numbers are continuing to build.
A video of ‘A Classical Feast’, featuring a programme of Mozart, Beethoven and Schubert can be found at: