Creative Kernow, based at Krowji, is the umbrella organisation for the following nine projects. Together we support the production, promotion and distribution of work by creative practitioners in Cornwall because we believe in creativity's transformative power and want more people to benefit from it.
Creative Kernow
FEAST, making great art happen across Cornwall

Music from the Clay Country


This project will engage directly with the communities within the Clay Country area of Cornwall, collecting information about musical traditions, memories and activities covering (but not restricted to) brass bands, choirs and traditional music. This information will be disseminated locally and more broadly on Cornish National Music Archive website and social media, and culminate with a launch and celebration event in the summer of 2022.

This project is funded in partnership with Cornwall Community Foundation.

The project information and how to get involved will be hosted on the website and through social media channels:


Instagram: @cornishmusicarchive

Twitter: @CNMA2020