Creative Kernow, based at Krowji, is the umbrella organisation for the following nine projects. Together we support the production, promotion and distribution of work by creative practitioners in Cornwall because we believe in creativity's transformative power and want more people to benefit from it.
Creative Kernow
FEAST, making great art happen across Cornwall

Postal Service of Happiness


The Poetry Poste has been delivering  poetic inspiration to the Nation and beyond from Cornish Festivals to the UN’s Palais des Nations. She is now delighted to be launching the world’s first Postal Service of Happiness which has been inspired by the number of people in the community who are isolated and suffering from deprivation. The project will offer innovative creative literacy sessions to diverse groups in Cornwall inspiring those taking part to create parcels of happiness, poetry postcards, sing o grams and edible poetry/art cakes.These will then form the contents of a post bag which will be delivered to those in the community who need it most. The project will culminate at a celebration event on International Day of Happiness March 20th.

Catch the Postie on her rounds where she may just have a poetic parcel or lyrical letter for you. Become part of the walking stamp collection, hop on the bike, ring the bell and be entertained by the Postie herself.