Creative Kernow, based at Krowji, is the umbrella organisation for the following nine projects. Together we support the production, promotion and distribution of work by creative practitioners in Cornwall because we believe in creativity's transformative power and want more people to benefit from it.
Creative Kernow
FEAST, making great art happen across Cornwall

The Blackfish Kite Day


This end of summer season local community event held at the Mount Pleasant Eco Park with a team of artists who host workshops at Tropical Pressure Festival and on this special day, culminating in a ‘Fly Off” with as many kites as possible launching amongst flags in the North Coast Field. Happening on September 3rd 2023.

Trifle Gathering Productions embellish the event with unique prize giving and commentary.

This project has been supported by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. Cornwall Council has been chosen by Government as a Lead Authority for the fund and is responsible for monitoring the progress of projects funded through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.