Natalia Eernstman tells us how a community responded to the PPE shortage during Lockdown. At the beginning of April, responding to a lack in PPE, a Fac...
Artist, theatre maker and musician Seamas Carey tells us how Covid-19 affected his plans for an outdoor show and how FEAST funding supported the new Indoo...
Jennie Rawling, Director of Nosey Hedgehog Puppetry, tells us how puppetry and mindfulness came together to support individuals experiencing anxiety. ...
Musical Director Russell Pascoe and Chairman John Larke share how FEAST funding has supported the Choir to come together in a new way. Support from FEA...
Cornish Folk Singer Will Keating, was looking forward to an exciting 2020 and had already planned something special to help celebrate the Bi-Centennial ye...
Development Manager Tasmin Young shares news about Newlyn Art Gallery & The Exchange’s FEAST funded project Extraordinary Postcards for Extraordinar...
Guy Watson, Artistic Director of Cousin Jack's Theatre Company, shares with us how FEAST Re-Ignition funding helped bring joy to families in lockdown. ...
Ellie from the Sensory Trust shares with us their Re-Ignition funded project, Creative Spaces Keeping Connected. FEAST funding enabled Sensory Trust t...
Passing the Parcel from MAYN Creative on Vimeo. Passing the Parcel is an intergenerational, multi-disciplinary arts project between older people living w...