Important Information
The FEAST manager can discuss your application with you and provide guidance as to how you might develop it so that it provides a better fit with FEAST criteria. This developmental support is available to all applicants and of course does not mean that the application will be successful. Your application is judged solely against FEAST criteria, the balance of the FEAST programme as a whole and funds available.
Please remember, FEAST has limited resources to invest and aim for a balanced programme.
Once you have decided which type of funding to apply for, you can begin the application process.
FEAST Mains Grant Application
Complete a Stage One Application Form
We use your Stage One application to check that your idea meets all our Core Criteria and some of our Additional Criteria. This is an eligibility check only.
Head to our main grants page for the application form.
Whilst we do not accept draft applications, you can submit updated versions of your application right up to the deadline for consideration.
Stage One applications are assessed in-house by the FEAST team. Once you have received feedback from the FEAST manager, who will advise you on the strengths and weaknesses of your Stage One application, it is then up to you to decide if you wish to progress your application to a Stage Two application.
Complete a Stage Two Application Form
You need to demonstrate how your project meets all our Core Criteria and some Additional Criteria. You must be aware that we consider your application in practical terms (is your budget and schedule realistic?), against the FEAST programme as a whole and the funds available.
Head to our main grants page for the application form.
We do not accept draft applications but you can submit updated versions of your application right up to the deadline and FEAST will put the most up-to-date version before the funding panel for consideration. We consider that giving applicants the opportunity to discuss and develop their application with the FEAST manager an important part of the FEAST offer. However, it is your decision as to whether you apply the advice or not. If you do, it does not guarantee that your Stage Two application will be successful. Remember, we cannot fund all projects.
How do the funding decisions get made?
Funding decisions are taken by a FEAST Selection Panel. This panel changes for each new application round in order to keep the process independent and to provide a breadth of expert input. The panel chosen for each round both shortlists and interviews applicants.
Selection Panel
The Selection Panel changes for each application round in order to keep the process independent and to provide a breadth of expert input into the commissioning process. Currently, the only permanent member of the panel is the FEAST manager to provide continuity. The FEAST Project Manager, who has helped you develop your ideas for your project, will attend the interview but will not take part in the decision making process.
Each Selection Panel will always include: one member of the FEAST Advisory Group, one practising artist who has been in receipt of a FEAST grant and one community representative who is active in promoting cultural activity at a local level.
Selection Panel members read the applications independently and score them against a criteria grid. The projects which gain the highest collective scores are shortlisted and those applicants are invited to interview.
Applications to FEAST for £2,000 or less are generally not asked to come for interview, due to time constraints. (This applies to the amount asked for, not the total project cost.) Decisions on these projects are taken by the panel on the interview day on the basis of the paper applications.
The interview enables artists to explain their proposal and for the interview panel to enquire about frequently complex issues. It enables the artists, the FEAST team, and panel members to meet and develop working relationships.
The applicant is invited to make a short 5 -10 minute presentation.
Then, all applicants are asked a series of questions covering the following areas:
What evidence is there that the project is responding to community need and providing what the community wants?
How does the applicant plan to attract new audiences and promote their project?
What is the legacy of the project?
Are there workable/realistic budgets and is the project value for money?
How does the project contribute to the whole FEAST programme? Are there ways that the project could link to other aspects of the programme?
Is the work programme deliverable – e.g. timescales, match-funding, track record?
Detailed questions may vary according to the nature of each project.
The panel take notes individually on responses to questions and score each project against the 6 areas (above). No discussion takes place on individual projects between interviews.
After the last interview is complete the panel discusses the applications. The panel agrees a collective score for each project against the criteria, based on information gathered in the interview, track record and application form.
The final selection is made when the panel has come to a consensus view on the applicant’s ability to deliver against the criteria, and the contribution of the project to the overall value and balance of the FEAST programme.
A written record of these discussions is kept.
You will be notified of the decision by email and there will be a follow up phone call to give you feedback on the reasons for the decision.
Interviews take place at Krowji in Redruth. Only under very exceptional circumstances, on a case by case basis, will FEAST agree to reschedule your interview.
Interviews usually take about 40 minutes.
Please note: Applicants may not be successful even if short-listed for interview.
The Panel’s Decision
If you are unsuccessful, you are free to apply to FEAST again with a different version of the same project.
If you are successful and you decide to take up our offer, you will receive a contract and our publicity guidelines, and you will be ready to go!
Open Smaller Grants and Festival Enhancement Funds
This is a single stage application process.
We do not accept draft applications. More information about the application process can be found here. All applications must be submitted via the online form here.
If you require support in filling out the online form, please get in touch via [email protected] at least five working days before the application deadline.
You will be able to save your application and come back to complete and submit it later. Once you have saved your application, you should receive an email notifying you that the application has been saved with a link to go back to your application.
We use your application form to check that your idea meets all our Core Criteria and some of our Additional Criteria.
We consider your application in practical terms (is your budget and schedule realistic), and against the FEAST programme as a whole in terms of geographical spread, participant and / or audience profile. Finally, we consider it against funds available.
Declarations of Interest
It’s not unusual for panel members to discover that they know or have some involvement with applicants to the FEAST scheme. In cases where this would be prejudicial to fair consideration of an application, the panel member will be replaced by another person, representing as far as is possible a similar area of expertise and interest.